Friday, September 26, 2008


Daniel and I took a detour yesterday because we weren't on a time schedule. We decided to get to Gettysburg and take a quick tour. It was really fun, though I was extremely exhausted afterwards. It was cool to drive through. We didn't have time to see the whole thing, but we tried to hit the highlights! We are in Frederick Maryland right now about an hour from DC! I've been feeling better than I have been, but I still have a hard time eating normally. However, I have been able to eat a lot more than I was which is good! Daniel's been preaching at Christian Schools everyday and I've been staying at the hotels waiting until we drive to the next place. This weekend we'll be in New Jersey somewhere staying with a friend from college. Daniel will be preaching in his church on Sunday.


The Horaks said...

How cool to go to Gettysburg! Glad you found some time for a little fun! :) I'm praying for you! Love you!

Jess said...

wow christa! i'm so jealous! it would be so neat to go there! i'm glad u guys got to have some fun together and i'm glad to hear you're feeling a little better. i hope things continue to get better - u sure look good ;) miss n luv u! you're in my prayers! mwah!

Bethany Miller said...

Oh what fun! I am so happy for you all that you are getting to sitesee some while you travel! Glad you are feeling a little better. love ya! B~

Charity Dawn said...
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Anonymous said...

I loved seeing your picture since I haven't seen YOU in a long, long time!!! Glad there are fun times for you. Are the trees and leaves at their peak yet? It must be awesome for you. Enjoy it!! Eat up whatever you can. When will you two be back?

jules said...

looks like an amazing time. i would love to see historical sites like that. hope you're doing well, i miss you so much and am always wishing i could see you soon. please let me know if you're ever near granada over a weekend!!!! (or for that matter, anywhere near watertown, johnson creek, or jefferson WISCONSIN :))