Monday, June 23, 2008

Working on a Roof!

Here's our latest work project! We were helping Pastor Duguay in Swift Current Saskatchewan. They are rebuilding a house that they bought. It's a pretty neat operation but a lot of work. They were needing to get their roof done so that they could stop dealing with buckets when it rains. We got a lot of it done though not all of it. Well, I should rephrase that, the rest of the team worked on the roof. I took pictures 'cause I was feeling pretty sick. Oh well, I got a lot read :-) The Lewis's came to help out and be with Sarah before we head for Calgary Alberta!

Sarah and Dan working hard on the roof.

Ian, Dan, Steve, and Sarah

Steve and Mr. Lewis catching some sun! It looks like Dan I know, but it is Mr. Lewis!

More of the roof!

The look from the top!

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