On the way back from the east coast we had a couple days off so we stopped to see the Creation Museum! It was amazing. Unfortunately my camera died so I didn't get to many pictures :-( But It was incredible! I highly recommend going. My favorite thing was the planetarium. It is so amazing to see how vast the universe truly is and to realize that even the vastness of our universe resides within God Himself! And the depths of God cannot even begin to be unraveled (sp?). The other thing I thought was so neat was to hear the workers talking about God! You don't normally go to a museum and hear them talking about the greatness of our God!!! This museum has a powerful message that can reach many who would never step into the doors of our churches!
This is right at the entrance!
This is in the garden of Eden. The Serpent!!!
This is not an ordinary skull! LOOK very closely at it and see if can see a Bible Story!
This is outside of Noah's Cafe! I don't know what's wrong with my smile there, but I love Dan's!
This is me feeding the fish :-) We got a wheelchair for the day for $10.00 since there was no way that I could walk through all of that with the way I've been feeling lately. You pay $10.00 at the beginning and when you bring it back you get your money back! I tell you what though. I have a greater appreciation for what people who are confined to them go through. You are treated very differently!
They have beautiful outside gardens too!
I had the most handsome chauffeur! He was a very wonderful escort. As he always is.
Thanks for the fun time Dan!!!
looks fun christa! i'm so happy to see you are still blogging! i'm eager to see you and hear how you are. still praying you will feel better as the pregnancy progresses! great pictures, thanks for sharing!!!
Wow! The Creation Museum looks really neat! It's so fun to see the pictures of you and Daniel! Love you!
What fun to see your posts girl! It was so, so, great to get to see you and visit for a little bit this last weekend! I am still sad that we didn't take even one pic though! Next time...love ya B~
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