Sunday, October 19, 2008

True Women

I had the opportunity to attend a Conference in Illinois on our trip back from out east. It was the True Woman conference sponsored by Revive our Hearts Ministries. Nancy Leigh DeMoss was the master mind behind the conference, and I have to say that I learned so much. There were 6,530 women present and it was an incredible experience. I was spiritually challenged, renewed, encouraged, rebuked, inspired, and convicted. It was neat to be brought face to face with my Lord and realize that all things come from His hand! Nancy said something in her session that really challenged me, she said, " When we resent or resist our present circumstances, we are literally resenting and resisting God Himself because all things come from Him!!!" What a challenge! Yes, even the hard things that come my way only touch me because God allows them. This provides both a confidence and a rest that His hand is in control and ought to make it easier for me to yield! Romans 11:33-36 has been such a challenge to me since this conference. God doesn't owe me anything, I owe Him everything! Anyway, I would encourage you to visit the website, and read about the conference. Read the true woman manifesto and if God so convicts you, sign it! 40 years ago a feminist group met in Chicago. . . that meeting began the widespread idea of feminism in a radical way! 40 years later in the same city 6,530 women met to determine what God's ideal of a true woman is, and just what would happen if we truly let this change our lives?!!

Nancy Leigh DeMoss is one of my spiritual heroes and I got to meet her in person. It was really neat, I got to shake her hand and talk with her for a minute! However, the thing that was even more amazing was the realization that things that are available to make Nancy Leigh DeMoss a godly woman are available to me! Nancy is just a person, but our God . . . How GREAT HE IS!


The Horaks said...

I'm so glad you were able to get that spiritual encouragement, Christa! Thank you for sharing about it!

Beth said...
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Beth said...

Christa! How exciting for you to be at that conference, several women from our church went and I'm looking forward to seeing the DVD. I'm so glad you got to go! It's so encouraging to know how many women want to be the woman God calls us to be. Congrats on the little one by the way! I'm sorry to hear you've been soooo sick, praying it will pass SOON! It would be great to hear from you! Bethany Preston